
The company Antes Plus offers design of racking equipment and warehouses to order in Kiev. We are engaged in full support of the arrangement of warehouses: from production, to installation and warranty service.

Shelving design

Planning the organization of a warehouse requires not so much special knowledge of a technical nature, but a lot of practical experience. The installation of special equipment alone will not be sufficient for successful operation. Responsible start-up requires a full professional understanding of the processes. In some cases, it is sufficient to select warehouse optimization solutions. Sometimes it is necessary to build a new warehouse from scratch, taking into account the necessary parameters.

The racking design process has a number of features. In the process of project development specialists carry out a list of works aimed at determining the essential aspects of the warehouse. What needs to be done in the design phase?

  • conditions of cargo storage are determined
  • The useful area of the room is calculated
  • logistic flows are analyzed and the total throughput of the warehouse
  • employee movement patterns and transportation directions at the stages of storage, order picking, movement and shipment of goods
  • specify the number of equipment units and their technical parameters
  • determine the required number of staff and quantity of loading and unloading equipment
  • choose a warehouse management system

In addition, at design stage there are a number of other factors to consider: kit areas and their location, floor loading, available room height, and more.

Cargo parametersWe take into account both the parameters of the goods themselves (HxWxD) and the characteristics of the packaging (plastic, cardboard, paper, individual, in crates, metal, crumpled)
Room featuresThe following indicators are taken into account: available area and height of the room structural features (windows, columns)utilities and technical equipment (pipes, radiators, exhaust)
TurnoverLoading and unloading schemes are described: small consignments are distributed away from the main routeslarge consignments are placed closer to the gateSeparate attention is given to transit goods, for which places are allocated on the lower tiers near the aisles
Floor loadThe design of shelving is impossible without taking into account the optimum allowable floor load per 1m2. This indicator is extremely important in design, because the average permissible value does not exceed 5-6 tons per meter;
The height of the buildingIt is wrong to assume that the higher the ceilings in a room, the more levels can be equipped. Always consider the ability of the floor to support the anticipated storage volume.

Design Stages

In order to create a racking equipment project, a large amount of information must be analyzed. Custom design is based on the analysis of the following data:

  • a plan of the premises, which contains information on the area, height and utilities
  • room features (location and number of doors and windows, quality of flooring and its condition)
  • information on the required shelving
  • the required number of tiers
  • cargo characteristics
  • packaging features
  • description of the properties of the loading equipment to determine the distance between racks and to calculate the width of future driveways
  • special conditions for organization of storage of goods
  • room microclimate parameters (air temperature, heating, ventilation)
  • specifics of fire safety systems

Three main stages of design are distinguished.

FirstInformation is gathered on the condition of the premises. The total area and height are measured. The load per square meter of the floor is determined. The features of the room are analyzed. Consideration shall be given to the location of utilities and fire lines.
SecondAt this stage, the parameters of the goods to be stored are determined. Dimensions, packaging, loading and unloading technology and availability of storage equipment are taken into account.
ThirdDirect custom design, where the previous steps as well as the special wishes of the customer are taken into account. The output is a finished project that takes into account all the requirements.

Bespoke design

The creation of a warehouse implies the organization of the most convenient scheme, when functioning is carried out on the basis of envisaged flows. What does the bespoke design service include? Antes Plus specialists carry out works on:

  • creating a concept for the future warehouse
  • carry out technical design
  • harmonization of the project

The main activity of our company is the manufacture of warehouse equipment and storage systems on the basis of our own production. We provide comprehensive services on design of shelving, their assembly and installation, on subsequent maintenance of the systems.

Benefits of working with us:

  • we can offer competitive prices for manufacturing and design
  • professional staff of process engineers, installers, marketers with high qualification and many years of experience
  • our own experience in the development of racking systems and other equipment related to the warehouse
  • we use materials and components from the best foreign and domestic manufacturers
  • full range of additional services from delivery to post-warranty maintenance
  • prompt fulfillment of orders

Competent approach and responsible attitude to our business – the basis of our successful long-term work in the market. Optimal individual planning scheme at all stages of the design takes into account the wishes of the customer. The result is a competently planned warehouse operation.

Antes Plus